Sunday, May 8, 2011

international food authentication police

So i tend to watch more than my fair share of food related videos on youtube.

One thing i totally dont understand is upon reading the comments (an activity i am learning not to do) i always find some random user who has decided they are the international food authentication police.

Someone always leaves a comment like "What are you doing? I am from the country this came from and your making it totally wrong!"

Or "This is my countries dish! You are using the wrong ingredients!"

OR "I am from *insert country name* and i think you have a bad recipe. Here is the correct one
Long list and instructions pasted in with impossible to find brands and non-universal cooking terms."

I have never once thought about going to youtube and typing in like, cheeseburgers or apple pie and ripping on some foreigner who made it. I mean, i see apple pie here in japan and stuff and its completely different than american apple pie. I dont go into the bakery and try to teach the bakers who have graduated from a baking school the "right way".
But american apple pie wouldn't sell in japan. Its too sweet. So they made a version that works with the Japanese palette. Gosh!
Isnt that what all those youtube chefs are doing?

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