Friday, November 4, 2011

don't we have time to rinse off those counters and table tops...?


Here is another one of those thoughts i had. Again while watching not to proud to say that.


So i saw a cleaning commercial, i believe for some funky disinfectant wipes.
The lady portrayed was wiping down her kitchen while the narrator said something along the lines of:
"Some disinfectant wipes use such harsh chemicals, they require you to rinse all surfaces food may touch"
then she goes onto pull out her garden hose and blast her entire kitchen down.
"Try something new to free up your day! These herp derp wipes are the best!"

So aside from the obvious tongue-in-cheek i was slightly offended and woken up by this commercial.
The company was not implying us mothers want to protect our families from ingesting said harsh chemicals, but to free up more time in our day. BUT i say, if we have time to sit in front of that blasted TV and watch their advertisement...don't we have time to rinse off those counters and table tops...?

When in all reality, a lot of moms say they are so busy they couldn't even think taking a half hour to sit down with their kids, look them in the eye and find out something new about them... but they cant believe what was on "Ellen" and let us know they need more cows on farmville.

Something doesn't add up.
Lets be mothers, real mothers and wives who actually deserve to be called that.
We may not be able to change the world, but we can change our houses. My daughters world is my house and who she will become and what kind of baggage she carries into her adult life and decisions will stem from what kind of mother she reflects, father she is protected by and house she lived in.
With that all ringing in my head, i am dedicated to chop my TV time down and wipe off those counters.

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