Wednesday, November 9, 2011

but probably chocolate

I am really inspired to craft this upcoming season. I can't wait to get my glitter out and make something all sparkly. My mother-in-law brought home some large cardboard hoops yesterday and thought they would make great wreath bases and i totally agree. Now its choosing only 5 designs to make.
Im also planning on throwing a christmas/craft party in December in junction with our already existing bible study. Its going to be fun. We have it once a week and our friends open up their house for us to use. They cook dinner and i provide the sweets :)
With only a few weeks before Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New years i have to select my weekly pastries carefully. This week will be something low in the seasonal department, but probably chocolate.
But then i have to plan it out perfectly to reflect the week leading to Thanksgiving and the weeks supporting christmas. Pumpkin and cranberry something, then Peppermint bark, gingerbread people, christmas haystacks, iced sugar cookies...who knows what else. You must think im crazy, and fat but i do believe christmas treats create some intense memories (smell and taste) for the thanksgiving and christmas seasons.
I think its worth to plan it out for some good memories.

By the way, if you have and killer christmas ideas (craft or confection) drop me a line so i can try them out.


  1. I have some ideas! Here, I will give you links to the photos. (Some are more obnoxious then others)

    First: I do not know how to do this (yet) But I think it is a marvelous idea, and great way to re-use old unwanted things. Make mittens, out of old sweaters! (sounds so simple, but I feel like you will need to make a lining inside so it doesn't feel weird)

    Ok, another fun idea. Instead of just hanging up normal ol' Christmas lights, do these!

    And lastly, I think this is a fun simple idea. Dip pine-cone into paint, and use a little glitter, and you have either 1) cool christmas ornament or 2) a pretty neat bowl/decorative/filler

    So thats what I have so far. Other wise you can just pour your heart out into Christmas Card making, that is always fun.

    Haha who knew we'd be in our 20's someday geeking out over craft ideas? Have fun :)

  2. Oops, I forgot to mention. The christmas lights is just dixie cups, with scrapbook paper around them. Not sure how they hang there... string?
