Wednesday, November 9, 2011

but probably chocolate

I am really inspired to craft this upcoming season. I can't wait to get my glitter out and make something all sparkly. My mother-in-law brought home some large cardboard hoops yesterday and thought they would make great wreath bases and i totally agree. Now its choosing only 5 designs to make.
Im also planning on throwing a christmas/craft party in December in junction with our already existing bible study. Its going to be fun. We have it once a week and our friends open up their house for us to use. They cook dinner and i provide the sweets :)
With only a few weeks before Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New years i have to select my weekly pastries carefully. This week will be something low in the seasonal department, but probably chocolate.
But then i have to plan it out perfectly to reflect the week leading to Thanksgiving and the weeks supporting christmas. Pumpkin and cranberry something, then Peppermint bark, gingerbread people, christmas haystacks, iced sugar cookies...who knows what else. You must think im crazy, and fat but i do believe christmas treats create some intense memories (smell and taste) for the thanksgiving and christmas seasons.
I think its worth to plan it out for some good memories.

By the way, if you have and killer christmas ideas (craft or confection) drop me a line so i can try them out.

Friday, November 4, 2011

don't we have time to rinse off those counters and table tops...?


Here is another one of those thoughts i had. Again while watching not to proud to say that.


So i saw a cleaning commercial, i believe for some funky disinfectant wipes.
The lady portrayed was wiping down her kitchen while the narrator said something along the lines of:
"Some disinfectant wipes use such harsh chemicals, they require you to rinse all surfaces food may touch"
then she goes onto pull out her garden hose and blast her entire kitchen down.
"Try something new to free up your day! These herp derp wipes are the best!"

So aside from the obvious tongue-in-cheek i was slightly offended and woken up by this commercial.
The company was not implying us mothers want to protect our families from ingesting said harsh chemicals, but to free up more time in our day. BUT i say, if we have time to sit in front of that blasted TV and watch their advertisement...don't we have time to rinse off those counters and table tops...?

When in all reality, a lot of moms say they are so busy they couldn't even think taking a half hour to sit down with their kids, look them in the eye and find out something new about them... but they cant believe what was on "Ellen" and let us know they need more cows on farmville.

Something doesn't add up.
Lets be mothers, real mothers and wives who actually deserve to be called that.
We may not be able to change the world, but we can change our houses. My daughters world is my house and who she will become and what kind of baggage she carries into her adult life and decisions will stem from what kind of mother she reflects, father she is protected by and house she lived in.
With that all ringing in my head, i am dedicated to chop my TV time down and wipe off those counters.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Im just blessed enough to stand next to this man

My husband is really the greatest guy i have met.
He is funny.
Loves Jesus.
Good humored.
Striving for a better him.
Gives complements.

He is so perfectly Human. 
But he is like, some kind of super human.
He is never happy with just being human, on either account of perfection or imperfection.
He is always trying to become better, and never makes me feel like i am any less than him.
I really love this guy.
I believe the reason he is such a super human, is because he loves Jesus every day of his life.
He loves Jesus with his life.
Because Jesus gave his life for all of us. Im just blessed enough to stand next to this man who understands what a small gift we can give back by trying to live our lives in honor of Jesus.

I really love him, and i would love him for a thousand tomorrows just to simply love him with nothing in return.
Thats why i married him. My vows do say till death do us part, and i will stand by that until the day i die. And then im going to be looking for that guy up in heaven too. We are going to spend eternity together doing what we love most. Worshiping Jesus.

"The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me."

(psalm 16:6)