Thursday, July 14, 2011

a stack of dinner plates

Good afternoon. I don't think i have any pictures to share with you today from my own camera.
I don't know what im going to talk about yet, but if its warranting a picture i will find one from the internetz and share it with you.

July is my least favorite month of the year.
And its half over, yay!

The only thing that redeems this month, is that its my mothers birthday at the end. Im actually kind of sad i cant spend it with her this year. She always downplayed it when we lived together, so i really want to highlight it now that shes alone. I don't know what im going to do, but it has to be mail ordered *sigh* its just so impersonal. (ill try to limit my complaints, sorry)

Any ideas? Shes not sentimental, shes indie and eclectic. The hunt begins.

Adelle is growing up really fast. She can sit, stand, crawl and take things off her head. With completely no help from myself or her father. And the help offered is generally unwanted. Here comes miss independent.
She has discovered the TV (mainly the buttons), other peoples noses and eyes, mirrors and has already brought down a stack of dinner plates down upon herself in the kitchen.
I feel like at the rate she is going, shes going to be walking next week and speaking in full sentences next month.

I havent done (finished) my dishes in two weeks. And the only times they have come close is, when rusty has done them. Love that man. So much.

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