Thursday, July 21, 2011

Its more for me than you

You ever feel like your just this far out of reach and you can do nothing about it?
Ive been feeling that way a lot this summer.

If you haven't felt that way, what about this?
Have you ever wanted to explain the big picture of life and live for it?
That has got to be one of the hardest things to convey. Our lives are just so much bigger than we think they are. The things that are tearing our hearts apart today are really just another bump in our lives.
I really want my life to be inspirational and encouraging. But when i add up my week, most of the time i dont feel like its coming off that way. Then i get all bummed about it.

I really want to overcome these things.
Thats been my prayer a lot this summer. Wait, who am i kidding. This whole year.
Its been kind of a hard year.
But i know i have to let go. I think ive been trying to hold onto the hardest things in my life when i just need to let go and let Jesus fix it all. Ive been trying to fix it myself and its not working out so well.
Im just so bitter. Man, even im sick of myself.

So here it is. Im done.
I give up my dreams
I give up my plans
I give up my fight
I am just going to let Jesus do it.

Sorry to dump this stuff on whoever is reading. Its more for me than you. I just needed to get it out there. I dont think i take it seriously when i just tell myself.

I really liked my dreams, plans and fights, too.

Its ok.

Jesus has better ones for me. Im going to believe that.
Im going to live that.

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