Over the past few years i have developed a burning question.
What should we expect from our christian leaders?
Ive heard one camp of people who say we should not expect much, because they are human just like the rest of us. We should overlook their faults and shortcomings. Turn a blind eye to any compromising we see or any less than honorable behavior we might witness.
The other camp says they should have no faults. They should be shining examples of walking scripture and as soon as they do something bad we kick them out.
I can't agree with either.
But i can tell you I'm sick of hearing about pastors found in affairs, youth pastors on drugs and pastors wives bossing everyone around.
Why do you want to be in ministry if you don't want to live it out?
So i asked myself "what should we expect" and it seems like I'm seeing and hearing "not much".
Why can't christians just be christians? Why do we argue about christian liberty to do, when shouldn't mean we have the liberty to live a life free of those things chaining us down?
So, i guess if I'm honest, i expect more from my christian leadership.
Not perfection, but i don't see anywhere in the bible where people excuse their unchristian behavior on their humanity.
The only thing I've seen is a striving to overcome it and nail it to the cross.
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