Sunday, February 20, 2011

brain suckers


So we had a pretty busy weekend.
I went to a baby shower on saturday and stayed most of the day. Adelle slept thru almost the entire party, which was nice. She was in deep sleep too, so i could hand her off to different people and eat all the wonderful food every one brought.
I love parties where people bring a dish to pass.
Especially when Philippino people are invited :)

You know, I've often thought that if there was some catastrophic invasion of strange creatures or something that i would be one of the people who would survive. I would be one of those smart people who would just barely out wit the monsters and be a member of an underground task force to exterminate the goblins.
I credit this to my years of playing video games and watching B grade monster movies. I figure that ive got the basic tactical issues covered, as long as i could locate some firepower of some kind. Ive noticed the flaw in games and movies. It seems that guns and such are always just laying around, and ive yet to notice an unlimited ammunition machine gun laying around at the park.

Maybe I just live in the wrong neighborhood.

But sometime last winter, while sitting on the train, i realized in all actuality i would be one of those people running around in the background with a brain sucker attached to my head, with arms flailing.

I was at the station two stops before mine. The train was sitting in place with the doors open and we waited for anyone who was going to jump on before we pulled out. I imagined an invasion of bat like pests sweeping over tokyo and realized that i would be a sitting duck.
Yep, i would get eated.

I was kind of sad when i realized that, but i guess its kind of normal to make yourself the main character of the movie.

It would be really hard to imagine myself as a supporting character. I just tried it before i typed that. How boring.
So thats my thought today. Im human. Im selfish. And in life, i just have a walk on appearance.

Acts 27&28
Paul goes to Rome.
God had warned Paul that the weather would be against them, and paul told everyone but they didnt listen. They set sail anyways. Lo and behold, they hit bad weather and have to spend 3 months, shipwrecked on a small island off the south cost of Italy.
I thought it was so interesting how paul had been told specifically that no lives would be lost, God would protect them, but the ship would be lost with its cargo. No one wanted to listen to paul when he told them something that inconvenienced them. But as soon as he told them the good news, they where willing to do whatever they had to do to make that come true.

I do this a lot. Im always looking out for myself and trying to just get God to wring out his blessings. I often run away from those harder instructions, or the things that inconvenience me. I would like to say ive grown out of it and how great i am now, but i just cant shake how many topics i can think of right this moment where i am still setting sail (or staying in the harbor) when God has told me differently.

But you know, Rusty has really been exhorting me a lot. Hes been telling me so many times this month "If you never try it, you might never find out if it was the best thing to ever happen. God is just waiting to bless you and you just want to sit there and decide whats best for yourself"

Such good words. Im blessed to have such an amazing husband. I know its the Jesus inside of him.

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