Tuesday, February 22, 2011

adding up my accomplishments and coming up short


On Saturday, rusty and I are moving.

We are moving to the same town he works in. Its called Tama. The city is Fuchu and the prefecture is Tokyo.
Im trying to pack, but it seems like everything I get packed unveils some new stash of forgotten clothing or papers. I bet it really stinks to move out of a house after living there for like 20 years. We've been in this house for a year and a half almost so its not like we have a lot of stuff. But for the past 4 years i have been living out of 2 suitcases and a carry on, so it feels like I have gobs of things to sort.

I also have 6 pages of women's bible study home work to complete before 10am tomorrow morning. and I managed to lose it.
and i didnt to my homework last week either.

Seeing as how i finished up the book of acts, i took some time to pray over what book to start. Im going into Ephesians, which is exciting, because it was written roughly when the book of acts ends!!
So, ill be delving into ephesians for a few weeks. I read chapter 1 this morning and right now the thing ive thought on most is that paul desired the ephesians to be blessed with spritual knowledge as its vital to understanding the work of Jesus Christ. That in turn effects how we live our entire lives.

If we understand the gravity of Christs blood and atoning work we will begin to see people the way God sees them. His children. Some are lost and wondering, so we need to love them.

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