Friday, October 21, 2011

but i think i might be onto something.

I had a thought this week, two actually and i will share the other one later. But this weeks was the thought containing the following;

"Facebook breaks down the need to grow personal relationships"

Now, this is just a thought and i havent yet proven it, but i think i might be onto something.

I have been using facebook less and less lately, mainly because i have nothing really worth sharing in a "Status update" or that many witty comments to make on everyone-else's (not a word) pop culture humor. 
But i have realized that when i get together with other people i know, and are friends with on FB but never really use it either, we suddenly have just so much to talk about.
Before, it seemed like i was always grasping at topics or stories to share with people over coffee or dinner, but now i have a full arsenal to fire out over the gooey Mexican food before me.

    But i also found this only seems to work if both parties shy away from facebook. Or else, well, im listening to the same story you already posted on thesday and yes i saw that photo on your smartphone yesterday when you uploaded it.
I saw the tweet but didnt understand all the #jumbledupword @withnospacestosoundosocleveror
"secret codes" and jargon i missed out on while i was abroad.

This isn't to say i don't enjoy keeping up with old friends and or that i only check facebook once a week. On the contrary, i check it daily when my daughter takes a nap. And ive also recently discovered the release of SimsSocial.
I really like sims.
But i believe i will keep my interactions with those who i can jump in the car and drive 10 minutes to see relatively low, in efforts to grow my own face to face relationships and leave the digital updates for those more out of touch.

But then again, this is just a thought i had this week while watching HGTV.

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