Monday, June 13, 2011

I kind of dont want to think about it.

Now that I am somewhat stable I need to explain.

So on Thursday i had my interrogation, it went just fine. We got a bit confused as to what office to go to once we got the to building, but we found it and after about an hour in the waiting room we got to see the officer. They let rusty come back for a few minutes so that helped my nerves a lot and then after they asked him to leave the guy was pretty nice. I watched him write stuff down more than i answered questions. He was nice and used easy japanese for me. I really appreciated it.

They seem to feel like Adelle will be cleared for a visa in about 2 weeks. Really great news. Its not all the time you break the law unintentionally and then everything works out.

The only down side to this, is that it means i will not be attending Mandas wedding.
Im really bummed about it.
I kind of dont want to think about it.

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